Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cloud Soap

Wow! This soap smells amazing! It's made with a fragrance oil called Fresh Snow, but I think it smells like fresh laundry....very clean.

When I started making this soap, I was trying to make a peak in the center to resemble a mountain. The idea was to make a snowy mountain since the scent is called Fresh Snow.  When my husband Joe saw the bars, he said they looked like clouds, which I thought was awesome, since they smell more like fresh air than fresh snow. Yeah for happy accidents!

With this technique, I use a line of cocoa powder to distinguish between the 2 layers. I learned about this technique from one of my favorite soap artists, Emily, from Shieh Design Studio. Please check out her sight...it is amazing!: http://soapandrestless.blogspot.com/

I am considering naming this one Ozone since it is described as an ozone type scent.

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